Our Deposit a Gift Registry!

Our Deposit a Gift Registry

You can browse our wedding registry if you follow the above link. Dana Ostomel, the founder of the company is amazing! She has been very attentive and helpful! Her website is a great idea for any occasion.... birthday, baby shower, graduation etc. I recommend this site to all my friends, family and aquaintances I am also very excited to announce that thanks to Dana I was selected as an expert Green Bride blogger!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Forest Scavenger Hunt

Quinn and I wish to host a green ceremony....
Since all of our family members and friends that will join us on our special day will have to travel - creating a large carbon footprint for our party to begin with - we decided that we wanted to use as much from nature as we could. We also love that gathering things is free, lots of fun and makes for great memories!
I sent off an invitation to the ladies for a day of gathering, a forest scavenger hunt - to spend time enjoying each other and gathering decorations for the ceremony next year.... It turned out to be a lovely day with a few great finds like tiny pinecones and delightful leaves changing color. Here are the invitations that I put together for Melanie and Jennifer....

An acorn stamp and a scroll with the details of our gathering

"Along our merry way... should we find these gifts of the forest ~ may we gather them in gratitude and leave our seeds of thanks."
(in each package was a bag of birdseed for us to sprinkle as we gathered)

The list of items to gather

"Every acorn has in it the potential to be a great oak tree, that is lively, deep rooted, strong, long lasting, air purifying and a place of shelter BUT if it is not placed in soil it will not grow to be all that it can be."

Look at these adorable tiny pinecones ~

Here's a picture of my sexy husband to be crafting at the Denver Art Museum from recycled garbage.

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