Our Deposit a Gift Registry!

Our Deposit a Gift Registry

You can browse our wedding registry if you follow the above link. Dana Ostomel, the founder of the company is amazing! She has been very attentive and helpful! Her website is a great idea for any occasion.... birthday, baby shower, graduation etc. I recommend this site to all my friends, family and aquaintances I am also very excited to announce that thanks to Dana I was selected as an expert Green Bride blogger!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

One Thousand Butterflies

Everytime you are near you give me the butterflies.

Me and my lovely fiance are going to participate in the sembazaru, tsuru no warren tradition - but we are not going to do cranes.

Butterflies it is.

Check out this great tutorial on Create with Me!

We are going to have a 'wedding date night' and sip tea and watch samurai movies and fold butterflies.... might even slip some vegan sushi n sake in there!