Our Deposit a Gift Registry!

Our Deposit a Gift Registry

You can browse our wedding registry if you follow the above link. Dana Ostomel, the founder of the company is amazing! She has been very attentive and helpful! Her website is a great idea for any occasion.... birthday, baby shower, graduation etc. I recommend this site to all my friends, family and aquaintances I am also very excited to announce that thanks to Dana I was selected as an expert Green Bride blogger!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Toms shoes for the wedding party

I am so very grateful to have found TOMS, a beautiful company started by Blake Mycoskie. I found them when I began my search for vegan wedding shoes. TOMS has an entirely vegan line. For every pair of TOMS you buy TOMS will give a child in need of shoes thier own pair. What an important company to support. I knew the moment that I read about them that I wanted to wear TOMS on our special day. My heart swells with joy and tears flow from my eyes every single time I watch a shoe drop video or read an article on the TOMS blog.

Watch this video to learn more about their history.

You will Love TOMS too. Order a pair today... order three.

I'll be wearing these beautiful TOMS

Brooklyn will be wearing these

and the Love of my life will be wearing these gorgeous shoes.

Can you imagine how very difficult it would be to live without shoes?
Please watch one more video created by TOMS - about an event that they created to spread awareness by living one day of their lives without shoes.

TOMS is an abbreviation of the Shoes for Tomorrow program. They are a for-profit company with giving at their core. They have changed the lives of so many children all over the world.

They use great materials and ensure human rights in all their practices. Here is a link found on their website regarding how they regulate the production of their shoes.

How does TOMS ensure its manufacturers adhere to human rights standards?
We require that the factories operate under sound labor conditions, pay fair wages and follow local labor standards. All factories sign a code of conduct. In addition, our production staff routinely visits these factories to make sure they are maintaining these working standards. We also have third parties audit the factories at least once a year to ensure they adhere to proper labor regulations. For more information: http://www.intertek-labtest.com/services/auditing/intertek_compliance/?lang=en